Balatonőszöd Free Beach Information
Beach invitation (No camping) (PDF)
- Current quality classification of bathing water: excellent.
- Lake bed: sandy.
- Soil of lake shore section: sandy.
- Water accessibility: via steps.
- Length of beach: 510 metres.
- Beach water depth profile: shallow, gradually deepening, water depth beginning from 30 cm.
- Communal infrastructure: One of Lake Balaton’s most beautiful, cleanest and most traditional bathing resorts. The Balatonőszöd free beach which offers quality infrastructure facilities has a rest area (green area) of 43,000 square metres, with particular emphasis on security and children’s safety.
- Social facilities (toilets, changing cabins, showers) are available to visitors. The area of the beach is regularly maintained; hygiene standards are high. There are sufficient rubbish bins for waste collection. Free parking for up to two hundred vehicles is available in the immediate vicinity.
- Supplementary recreational infrastructure: There are playgrounds, outdoor workout facilities, volley ball courts and football tennis courts on the beach.
- No animals are permitted in the water and shore areas of the designated beach section, not including guard service dogs licensed by the District Office and guide dogs.
- Average number of bathers: 350 to 850 persons.
- Comprehensive information is available at, and
- No parking is permitted on the premises of the beach.
- First aid supplies and bandaging are obtainable from the beach caretaker.
Beach rules
- No bathing is permitted without accompanying vessel beyond 1,000 metres from the shore. In waters beyond the buoys designating the limits of the bathing area, bathers may encounter vessels and personal watercraft. Water depth at buoys designating limits of bathing area: 100 cm.
- Children under the age of 6 years and children under the age of twelve who cannot swim are only allowed to bathe under direct adult supervision.
- In the case of groups of children and youths, group leaders are required to set up a monitoring and rescue guard consisting of a number of adults proficient in swimming and lifesaving adjusted to the size of their groups.
- Only floating devices and other equipment not posing a threat to bathers are allowed in their vicinity.
- A storm warning and forecast service is operational from 1 April to 31 October every year. In the case of storm warning level 1 (warning to exercise caution) – a yellow light flashing 45 times a minute –, no bathing is permitted beyond 500 metres from the shore. In the case of storm warning level 2 (warning of imminent threat) – a yellow light flashing 90 times a minute – no bathing is permitted.
- Pursuant to Decree 46/2001 (XII. 27.) of the Ministry of Interior, night bathing and bathing in reduced visibility are forbidden, unless the water area is illuminated, and maximum to the start of deep water.
- No animals are permitted on the premises of the designated bathing and shore areas, not including guard service dogs licensed by the District Office and guide dogs.
- No fishing is permitted on the premises of the bathing and shore areas between 15 June and 31 August.
- The bathing area is open from 9.00 a.m. until 7.00 p.m. every day between 15 June and 31 August.
Dear Watercraft and Fishing Stage Owners,
The following are forbidden: unauthorised storage and use of vessels and personal watercraft (boats, kayaks, canoes, windsurf boards, personal watercraft not requiring a licence) in the area indicated by the signs and buoys which designate the limits of the bathing area. Area designated for storage of personal watercraft: area between service gate and sports field as marked by signs.
Unauthorised objects (poles, slipways, pillars, buoys, fishing stages, etc.) which may pose a threat to members of the public on the shore and in the water will be removed with immediate effect, without prior notification, and will be stored on the operator’s premises. Owners can retrieve removed objects from the operator’s premises (Balatonőszöd, Szabadság u. 89.) between 8.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on business days upon verification of ownership and payment of a removal/storage fee. The removal and storage fee is HUF 20,000 – say twenty thousand Hungarian forints –, inclusive of VAT, per removal.